when i get high
i think i can fly
and i am so afraid
i will shoot for the stars
and end up in a heap
in a broken pile
a mess that no one
can pick up




having imitation safety bits is
than facing the world buck naked,
spilling coffee
and baring an injured soul.
when i thought i knew who you were
i couldn't get enough of your ranting
and goofy grins

now that i know you are who you are
i don't know if i can keep you because
when you make me smile sorta
i feel betrayed
stars and buckets
buckets and stars
he is not here
he's overthar
'roun the corner
smokin' cigars
stars and buckets
buckets and stars
i had to wear my brown and blue
croc flip flops today

i couldn't find my black crocs
or black loafers
or black mules
or black flips

then i found them in a black hole
in my car

i wonder where i will find my pink bra
you can't make a loser love you
 if he doesn't love you

you can't make a father care
 if he can't care

you can't make parents understand
 if they just won't understand

you can't change somebody
 just to please you

you can't change somebody

you can't get what you need out of thin air
unless what you need is thin air
every year i sit on my porch
to watch the perseids go by
but my skies are too polluted with light

so every year i miss the show
this year i saw two
two measly shooting stars for my troubles
and yeah
i get it
if i would venture off of my porch...
thursdays have revolved
around that issue for two years now
maybe when next year rolls around
and the perseid roll around
maybe i will roll off of my porch
but not likely




bells and whistles spotlight
carnies chatter
patrons laugh with utter festivity

in the distance darkness
voices slightly more brazen
just a bit more force
sticky cotton candy lips
bells win a prize
soda pops
and corn dogs
and glow in the dark
what is that


get in close
to tell a secret
the whole world can hear

at least the carnies can
no one else
knows you exist

in your own world
bells and whistles spotlight
that you're surrounded by darkness
and life

because this is the life
this IS the life
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ever been there?
yep. been there.
you lied.
there was no where
you could have been
there was no where
you could have gotten it

machines twirl
bells whistle
patrons shriek

why lie?
a haiku for you
and yieu and yieu and yieu and
five syllables too

half a mini-tab
and sleep washes over me
benedryl induced

hot gooey comfort
heaven waits to add the sweet
champagne perfection